‘Happy Ever After’ you say?

August 20, 2015

On Saturday 22nd August, Tower Hamlets residents are invited to a free family festival of a world of fantasy and fairytale! The ‘Happy Ever After’ family festival will transform Weavers Field Pocket Park with amazing street performances, mystical storytelling, exciting crown-making workshops and badly-behaved goblins, yummy spit-chicken and deliciously inviting banqueting tables.


Unique in its concept, this fairytale fantasy festival was cooked up by a dedicated group of young local people aged 16-25, who, with the help of professional festival producers at Kazzum, wanted to reignite the borough’s tradition of offering fantastic free family festivals. Kazzum, a Tower Hamlets based arts organization, provides opportunities for young people to access creative careers by offering training programs in Event Management and Outdoor Performance. So, for all arts and creative enthusiasts out there, get in touch with Kazzum and go take part!


Kazzum’s team of young festival producers thus humbly invites you all to come and enjoy their ‘Happy Ever After’. And we, at Oxford House, second this motion! What with their fantastic lineup of professional performances, workshops, music and food, we think it’s safe to say that missing this spectacular fairytale event would be a downright shame!

‘Happy Ever After’ Family Festival

Saturday 22nd August          11am – 4pm

 Weavers Field, Derbyshire Street Pocket Park, Bethnal Green, London E2 6HG



– By Khaleda Khatun

Author: greg

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