Bethnal Green Forum Meeting

August 8, 2017

On July 26th the Bethnal Green Business Forum got back together at Oxford House. It’d been a number of months since the forum had met, as we had been waiting for the signed off Tower Hamlets Town Centre Strategy to be shared with us. Now that we have that, from now up until 2022, the ambition is for the forum to play a key role in the implementation of the strategy as it unfolds, ensuring it works as hard as possible for everyone here in Bethnal Green. Oxford House will play a key role here, providing a bridge between the forum & the Borough.

At July’s meeting, the forum discussed some key ambitions from the strategy, which are listed below;

(i) Improve the existing retail offer
(ii) Develop management & leadership opportunities
(iii) Implement marketing & promotion to generate footfall; & support inward investment
(iv) Improve facilities, public realm & litter management
(v) Improve operation & sustainability of street markets
(vi) Reduce anti-social behaviour in the Town Centre

Oxford House is very keen to widen the forum, broadening representation, including people who are not just representing the business landscape in Bethnal Green, but young people, the elderly & all residents of the area. The Bethnal Green Business Forum will now therefore be known as the Bethnal Green Forum.

We will be sharing a short questionnaire in the coming days, to give you a chance to share your views on how Bethnal Green Town Centre is working for you at the moment. We’re really looking forward to receiving your results from this, as these will form part of the discussion at an inaugural Bethnal Green Forum meeting in mid-September.

Author: greg

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