Next in our Bethnal Greeners series are good friends of LoveBethnalGreen, Phytology, who are on the site of Bethnal Green Nature Reserve. It’s an art led project exploring the function, and value of the modern urban landscape, established and led by local artist Michael Smythe and the board of trustees. (
We caught up with Hannah Arnott to hear about her research into the Urban Mind project. Hannah is a key player with Phytology, and will be at Oxford House for the meeting of ‘The Green’ on Tuesday 14th August to discuss Urban Mind and its exploration of social inclusion and neighbourhood safety in the Bethnal Green area.
Your history:
Phytology is located within Bethnal Green Nature Reserve, formally St Jude’s church before it was bombed in the Second World War. Since then, the local community have protected the land from development and in 2014 opened the successful Phytology medicine garden for local education and medicine harvesting.
Your business:
The Phytology medicinal garden provides free food and medicine. Phytology is running an Urban Mind community research project, exploring the physical and mental health benefits and challenges we all experience living in Tower Hamlets and modern cities globally.
Your passion for the area:
Bethnal Green is a vibrant and diverse neighbourhood with people connecting and experiencing with the area in many different ways. Our project wants to better understand and explore ways we can all make our neighbourhood feel safer and more inclusive.
Your offers:
Join the research project by downloading the Urban Mind app ( and taking part in conversations on how to improve the local social environment. We invite people to participate in a group discussion at Phytology on 25th August and 8th September.
Your future:
You can help shape healthy and inclusive cities by being part of the community research, part of the international Urban Mind research project.