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November 5, 2015

Brush Strokes

Jock McFadyen’s paintings are often described as gritty. Put this to him, though, and he laughs it off. “I know this is what people say…I think my paintings are realistic. If you wanted to make something grungier you would make it more…
October 2, 2015

A congregation revived

St Peter’s Bethnal Green sits off Warner Place, between Old Bethnal Green and Hackney Road. The vicarage is next door, the old school houses an organ works, and the church spire stands tall amidst the surrounding housing. Now a thriving church community,…
August 26, 2015

100 years on

Take a Butcher’s down the old Frog ‘n’ Toad. See how it’s changed over the past century. Would you Adam ‘n’ Eve it? Enough of the cockney rhyming slang, tell me about the history… By the turn of the twentieth century the…
August 12, 2015

Kray Twins Continued

To continue looking at the Kray Twins and their relationship to Bethnal Green we start again on Cheshire Street at the Carpenters Arms. This was the last pub that the twins owned and it was where Reggie Kray had a few drinks…

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