Have your say on Paradise Gardens improvements

May 1, 2018

As Bethnal Green Mission Church unveils its plans for the new look Paradise Gardens, you are invited to feedback before Monday 14th May.

As you may know Bethnal Green Mission Church’s new building is nearly finished and there is a plan to re-landscape Paradise Gardens which the church’s site compound currently occupies. They’ve been working with LBTH to come up with some plans and designs for the park as a result of a public consultation last year and these changes are a direct result of what the survey revealed.

The plans can be viewed and downloaded from their website www.bethnalgreenmissionchurch.co.uk. We all have the chance to feed back before Monday 14th May and can do so either by emailing from the link or directly to paradiseparkdesign@gmail.com

This is going to make a big difference to our local green space offer here in E2, so don’t miss your chance to feed in any final comments you might have.

Author: greg

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