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March 1, 2019

#E2ToDo – March 2019

As we kiss goodbye to Fool’s Spring, and welcome back Second Winter, the LoveBethnalGreen team is in reflective mood. The seasons have never been so confusing, sun burn at the weekend and soaked thru and freezing by mid week? You what, mate?…
June 29, 2018

#E2ToDo – July 2018

This month, we’re launching a new #Hashtag for our Love Bethnal Green To Do lists, to ensure that as many people as possible get wind of the brilliant breadth of activity going on in and around the area. #E2ToDo will be…
June 12, 2018

** New Freelance Role – Love Bethnal Green **

Love Bethnal Green and Oxford House are looking for a Marketing & Communications Freelancer to join the team for 2 days a week between now and March 31st 2019. We’re on the hunt for a social media savvy communications freelancer  who is passionate…
June 6, 2018

June 2018 – To Do List

& so we move into June, a month that welcomes another outrageously over-hyped sporting gathering to our cultural calendar. The World Cup in Russia may well bring some entertainment to our screens, but that can’t take away from the frankly appalling behavior…
May 4, 2018

May 2018 – To Do List

We’re into May – the month of the double Bank Holiday, local elections and some relatively good weather. Maybe. We’re not counting our chickens on that, but instead we’re listing some genuinely zeitgeist capturing activity taking place here in E2. We’re very…
May 1, 2018

Have your say on Paradise Gardens improvements

As Bethnal Green Mission Church unveils its plans for the new look Paradise Gardens, you are invited to feedback before Monday 14th May. As you may know Bethnal Green Mission Church’s new building is nearly finished and there is a plan to…
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