'The Green' – Tuesday 14th August, 6pm, Oxford House

August 6, 2018

Social Saturday with you – a Saturday in October that shines a light on social enterprises in the area. We’re looking to you to help us shape up plans for that. Plus we’re looking forward to hearing from some new businesses in the area, & also we welcome guest speaker Hannah Arnett from Phytology, who will tell us about her work on the Urban Mind project. We’ll be covering off the agenda below – join us, and if you can’t come, please share the meeting far and wide. We all get more out of these interactions when there are more voices in the room. Please do come armed with updates on your business and your projects – we exist to promote your work, so please make use of LoveBethnalGreen.com.   [caption id="attachment_1020" align="aligncenter" width="370"] An image from the Urban Mind app, that we’ll be hearing more about on the 14th[/caption]  

AGENDA – Tuesday 14th August – 6pm – Oxford House 

  1 – GUEST SPEAKER; Hannah Arnett from Bethnal Green Nature Reserve to introduce Urban Mind project to local businesses 2 – Hearing from new businesses in the area, joining us for the 1st time.  3 – Confirmation of content strands for LoveBethnalGreen.com in support of Night Time Economy, Food Businesses, Retail Businesses + #E2ToDo 4 – Key Agenda Item; Discussing plans for Social Saturday, October 13th 2018 5 – AOB]]>

Author: greg

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