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Bethnal Greeners Series - Page 2

November 12, 2018

Bethnal Greeners Series – Mayfield Hall

Next up in the Bethnal Greeners series is the Mayfield Hall Community Interest Company, set up to re-imagine a disused space in the heart of E2. We caught up with Chris Thorn to hear about their hopes for the space, and to…
November 8, 2018

Bethnal Green; After Hours – Chiringuito

Here’s the next in our series of longer conversations, ‘Bethnal Green; After Hours’,  in which we’re shining a light on all of the fantastic businesses that make E2 such a vibrant place to be at night. The pubs, the clubs, the galleries, the…
October 26, 2018

Bethnal Greeners Series – Fox Supplements

The latest in the line up of businesses to feature in our Bethnal Greeners series are Fox Supplements; a supplement shop situated on Bethnal Green Road stocking a wide range of national and international supplementation products. We recently caught up with Jay at…
October 13, 2018

Bethnal Greeners Series – Juta Shoes

Next up in our Bethnal Greeners series we have the brilliant Juta Shoes, a social enterprise set up with a great mission; equipping underrepresented and underemployed communities with the skills, opportunities and confidence to combat social and financial isolation. As part of…
August 31, 2018

Bethnal Greeners Series – The Beehive

Next in our Bethnal Greeners series is a new cafe offer on Cambridge Heath Road, The Beehive. Long term friends of Love Bethnal Green, it’s great to see this tasty offer emerge as the daily public face of Bethnal Green Mission Church.…
August 2, 2018

Bethnal Greeners Series – Phytology

Next in our Bethnal Greeners series are good friends of LoveBethnalGreen, Phytology, who are on the site of Bethnal Green Nature Reserve. It’s an art led project exploring the function, and value of the modern urban landscape, established and led by local…
June 29, 2018

Bethnal Green; After Hours – #001Redon

In our new series of longer conversations, ‘Bethnal Green; After Hours’, we’re shining a light on all of the fantastic businesses that make E2 such a vibrant place to be at night. The pubs, the clubs, the galleries, the restaurants & the…
March 7, 2018

Bethnal Greeners series – Lowrider Tattoo

In the 2nd of our features from London College of Communication students, Amy Clarke meets black and grey tattoo royalty at Bethnal Green ink institution Lowerider Tattoo The buzz of the needles at Lowrider Tattoo are a welcome noise to any…

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